Saturday, 12th April – 6.30pm – 10.30pm
An evening of great fun and experience for all ages, combining good food with a dramatic crime scene and a clue solving game. You can enjoy this special evening with your friends, or family, without the headache of having to organise it yourself.
Please bring your own drinks, the Museum will provide glasses.
£49 per ticket
Includes Three Course Dinner – Please bring your own drinks
A 12+yrs event
Miniature Railway will NOT be running
‘Marshall’ the Lilleshall pumping engine will NOT be running and other oil / diesel engines will NOT be running
Crafty Cabin Closed

Astaria CLOSED

Minature Railway CLOSED

‘Marshall’ the Lilleshall pumping engine will not be running

Oil and Diesel Engines will NOT be running

Tea Room used for guests only

Crafty Cabin CLOSED