2025 Event Stallholders

If you would like to attend any of our events, please express your interest by filling out the ‘Stallholders’ form. You can put all events you wish to attend in the ‘Event Attending’ box.

Please indicate your requirements on the form.
POWER REQUIRED Limited to food stands or exhibit only: £5.

Please provide an estimate of your power requirement (maximum of 13-amps per outlet)

Once your application is submitted the pitch size can not be changed.

Please Note: Completing the form does not guarantee a pitch at our events, once your form has been processed you will receive confirmation from the Museum events team.

Payment can be made once your booking is confirmed. Please either send us a cheque payable to Museum of Power with the amount agreed for your pitch, come into the Museum and pay by cash or card or we can send you BACS details via email.

Stall Holders

Download a copy of the Stall Holders form here.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation which raises funds for the Museum of Power – a registered charity.

The Museum will usually be open on event days and we encourage you to take the opportunity to visit.


Food and Refreshment Vendors

  • Food and refreshment vendors must provide documentary evidence of a valid hygiene certificate.
  • Exhibitors and visitors must stay within the designated areas and not trespass onto adjacent Essex and Suffolk Water property or farmland.
  • Children must be supervised at all times. The river is deep and can be dangerous.
  • Dogs must be kept on a lead and any mess cleaned up.
  • Litter must be bagged and placed in the bins provided. No rubbish or waste is to be thrown in the river.
  • Drip trays must be used under machinery if there is a possibility of oil spillage.
  • Running machinery must be protected by a barrier and not left unattended.
  • Persons are admitted to the show ground/ museum at their own risk. The Museum and its staff will make every effort to ensure safety and security but will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury, howsoever caused.

Thank you for your co-operation and participation, which raises funds for the Museum of Power - a registered charity.
Entry to the Museum is free during the show and we invite you to take the opportunity to visit.



  • We are unable to offer internal pitches within the museum building
  • We can offer only three charity pitches per Event.
  • Stalls & Exhibitors must be appropriate to the Event, e.g. exhibitors for the American Car Show should have an American theme.
  • The directions & instructions of the event marshals must be obeyed at all times.
  • Gates will open at 7.30am and exhibitors should be set up by 9.45am.
  • Exhibitors arriving after 10am may be refused entry and redirected to public car parks.
  • To ensure public safety, exhibitors are requested to remain on site until 4pm. In exceptional cases please contact a marshal to escort you off-site.
  • To ensure public safety, exhibitors’ vehicles in the museum yard must not cross the railway tracks between 10am and 4.30pm unless accompanied by a marshal.
  • Exhibitors must display admission passes on their vehicle. In the case of club entries, the lead vehicle should display the pass. Clubs should try to arrive together.
  • Exhibitor passes are valid for the driver and one passenger. (Children under 16 admitted free).
  • All vehicles are restricted to 5 mph on the show ground.