Sunday 14th September 2025
9.30am – 4.00pm
The Museum will be open free of charge over the weekend for the Heritage Open Days, where some Museums and other places of local interest are open to the public free of charge (please look for the logo).
The theme for this year is Architecture and we will be looking a variety of architecture around the area of the Museum from our beehives to the bridges that cross the river Blackwater.
We will also be exhibiting pictures of the Museum in its early stages of being built in the early 1920’s, to the new build of our extension in 2024, nearly 100 years after the building of the Museum was completed.
The Museum will be open at 9.30am and last entry to visitors is 3pm.
The Steam Pump Tea Room will serve hot food until 2pm.
Astaria Model Village will be open and the miniature train will be running on Sunday 14th ONLY. (Adults £2, Child £1).
As with all venues taking part in the Heritage Open Days, admission into the Museum is FREE.
We will also have some architectural based crafts for children and young at heart to enjoy.
We look forward to seeing you.
We look forward to seeing you.

Astaria OPEN

Minature Railway OPEN The train rides are subject to a small charge of £2 per adult and £1 per child.

‘Marshall’ the Lilleshall pumping engine will be run on steam

Oil and Diesel Engines will not be running

Tea Room Open

Crafty Cabin Open and will be in the Pavilion offering workshops.

Select your ticket quantity – Select ‘Get Tickets’