Sunday, 1st June 2025
10.00am – 4.00pm
A day where everything is for kids, offering activities, workshops and games for all children up to the age of 15.
Kids entry is FREE.
We endeavour to get all activities and rides also FREE for children to do acquiring sponsorship from local companies to support this day for the community.
To add to the excitement, the theme for the day is ‘Kids In Space’, where everything will be to do with stars, planets, spaceships, galaxies and more…
There will be stalls related to children and space. Food stalls will also be there.
We will also be raising funds for another local charity, Farleigh Hospice.
Admission prices are
Adult £9 | Concession £8 | Child 0 to 15 FREE
Order your tickets below or pay on the day
We look forward to seeing you.

Astaria OPEN

Minature Railway OPEN The train rides are subject to a small charge of £2 per adult and £1 per child.

‘Marshall’ the Lilleshall pumping engine will be run on steam

Oil and Diesel Engines will be running

Tea Room Open

Crafty Cabin Open and will be in the Pavilion offering workshops.

Select your ticket quantity – Select ‘Get Tickets’