Welcome to
The Museum of Power
Keeping Industrial History
Alive & Working

Housed in a former Water Pumping Station, the Museum contains a fascinating collection which ranges from a working overhead machine shop to a petrol powered iron.
The jewel in our crown is the ‘Lilleshall’ triple expansion steam pumping engine ‘Marshall’ which runs on Steam for 6 big events throughout the year and on compressed air for all other events. A video can be found here.

On NON event days there is a small CHARGE for entry to the Museum, however it is FREE for you to explore our riverside walks or enjoy a cream tea in our Steam Pump Tea Room. Entrance fees for our EVENTS are shown on the web site Events Page. There is plenty to do and see for adults and children alike at the Museum of Power.



We are a dog friendly site – dogs are welcome indoors as well as in the Museum grounds, as long as they are on leads.

The Museum of Power

Next Events:

Wednesday 19th to Sunday 23rd February – Half Term Activities

Sunday 2nd March – Power Up Sunday

Sunday 16th March – Science Sunday

Miniature Railway

The Langford and Beeleigh Miniature Railway

Our ‘Langford’ station is less than half a mile from the position of the original Langford and Ulting Halt.
You can view the original Langford Station sign inside the Museum.
We aim to run trains on all Museum event days, the first Sunday of every month and every Thursday during school holidays (excluding Christmas holidays and January shutdown)

Latest News

We are delighted to announce we will receive £290,833 from Arts Council England for some key access improvements, a new bike shelter and much more, Thanks to its Government-funded Capital Investment Programme. Thank you Arts Council England Department for Culture, Media and Sport #ACEsupported #LetsCreate
Thanks also to Essex and Suffolk Water for their ongoing support.

School Education Days

Discover the Museum of Power, a beautiful location with a wealth of historic resources to inspire today’s children in today’s subjects.
Give your class a unique cross-curricular learning experience.

See School Visits >>

Volunteer with us

Opportunities to excite, learn new skills and stay connected

Volunteers are important and valued members of the Museum of Power team, they help us support visitors, care for our collection and work behind the scenes.

Volunteering at the Museum is a great way to meet like minded people, improve your wellbeing and have unique experiences in a friendly environment. 

We have a number of opportunities currently available.

Find out more